A Vraja Kirtan which is sung on the occasion of Sri Radhastami day. This song is sung live at Sri Radha Govinda Asram, Radhakund by Swami BV Muni Maharaj. For kirtans, Harikatha’s, bhajans and lectures check the webpage or click
Manmohana Madusudana – Vraja Kirtan
A Vraja Kirtan which is sung sung live at Sri Radha Govinda Asram, Radhakund by Swami BV Muni Maharaj. For kirtans, Harikatha’s, bhajans and lectures check the webpage or click on the following links:https://bvmuni.orghttps://soundcloud.com/premadhvanihttps://swamibvmuni.bandcamp.comhttps://youtube.com/c/PremaDhvanihttps://youtube.com/c/kathamrta108https://www.facebook.com/SriRadhaKunjhttps://www.facebook.com/radha.kunj.3 Hare Krsna Hare KrsnaKrsna Krsna Hare
Nand Ju Ko Lalla – Janmastami Kirtan
A Vraja Kirtan which is sung on the occasion of Sri Krishna Janmastami day. This song is sung live at Sri Radha Govinda Asram, Radhakund by Swami BV Muni Maharaj. For kirtans, Harikatha’s, bhajans and lectures check the webpage or
Srila Gurudeva and Lord Jagannath (Bhajan Sandhya)
Glorification of Srila Gurudev,Srila Bhakti Vedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaj via ZOOM Live stream on 6th July 2021 (Ekadasi) at Sri Radha Govinda Asram, Radhakund. For kirtans, Harikatha’s, bhajans and lectures check the webpage or click on the following links:https://bvmuni.orghttps://soundcloud.com/premadhvanihttps://swamibvmuni.bandcamp.comhttps://youtube.com/c/PremaDhvanihttps://youtube.com/c/kathamrta108https://www.facebook.com/SriRadhaKunjhttps://www.facebook.com/radha.kunj.3 Hare
Srila Gurudeva Stole Our Heart
Glorification of Srila Gurudev Srila Bhakti Vedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaj via ZOOM on 12th Feb 2021. For kirtans, Harikatha’s, bhajans and lectures check the webpage or click on the following links:https://bvmuni.orghttps://soundcloud.com/premadhvanihttps://swamibvmuni.bandcamp.comhttps://youtube.com/c/PremaDhvanihttps://youtube.com/c/kathamrta108https://www.facebook.com/SriRadhaKunjhttps://www.facebook.com/radha.kunj.3 Hare Krsna Hare KrsnaKrsna Krsna Hare HareHare Rama Hare
Raghuvar Tumko Meri Laaj (Bhajan)
A Hindi Bhajan composed by Goswami Tulsi Das describing how to pray for the mercy of Lord Ram. This bhajan is sung by Swami Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj as an offering to Lord Ram on Sri Ram Navami festival at
Thumak Chalat Ramchandra II (Bhajan)
A Hindi Bhajan composed by Goswami Tulsi Das describing the childhood pastimes of Lord Ram. This bhajan is sung by Swami Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj as an offering to Lord Ram on Sri Ram Navami festival at Sri Radha Govind
Payo Ji Maine Raam (Bhajan)
A Hindi Bhajan composed by Meerabai describing the glories of chanting the names of Lord Ram. This bhajan is sung by Swami Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj as an offering to Lord Ram on Sri Ram Navami festival at Sri Radha