What type of training do we offer at Radha Govinda Asram?
Our main focus is to increase sraddha (faith) in the path of suddha bhakti (pure devotion). One of the most powerful practices to deepen one´s sraddha is to reside in the Dhama. The Dhama is thoroughly favorable in regard to the cultivation of Sadhana Bhakti (the first stage of bhakti, followed by bhava bhakti and prema bhakti).
By taking the association of those who are only interested in material life and by residing at places, which are favorable to fulfil one’s material desires, very easily one is driven towards a material way of life. Similarly, if we are gifted with a chance to stay in the very auspicious, powerful Holy Dhama, then naturally we will experience a deep spiritual influence. At the Holy Dhama, where thousands of Vaisnavas, the dear devotees of Krsna are residing, who are twenty four hours engaged in bhajana in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one´s sraddha in the path of suddha bhakti will undoubtedly be nourished. From early in the morning until late in the evening one will be able to perceive sincere Vaisnavas with tilaka, kanthi mala and chanting beads. Instead of `hello´ you will be greeted with “Radhe Radhe”, and almost everywhere you are surrounded by the chanting of Hare Krsna. All residents of the Dhama even insects, cows, monkeys and children have deep impressions, deep devotion for our venerable Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Krsna. In this way it becomes easy understandable why it is topmost beneficial to take shelter of the Dhama.
That is why we are encouraging everyone to visit the Dhama and take part in Parikrama (pilgrimage).This training will be very helpful for one to forget this mundane world one day by becoming completely absorbed in Bhajana. Our spiritual education is based upon the teachings of our Guru-Varga, and we preach strictly in their line. We give Hari Katha classes, sing kirtans and train the devotees, who reside in this Asram, what it means to be a sincere Brahmachari, and also to maintain one´s own health by a simple way of living and thus be able to focus on Bhajana.
By guiding them how to perform different melodious kirtans, which are nourishing for our hearts and souls and also pleasing to Sri Sri Radha Krsna, we are providing another powerful medium in developing Suddha Bhakti. We also teach devotees how to speak topics about Krishna, how to behave in Vaisnava manner, how to cook sanctified and pure vegetarian preparations for Sri Krishna. To offer those dishes to Sri Sri Radha Govinda, we have to consider the standard of cleanliness. In addition we give lessons in arcana (worship of the Lord, with different paraphernalia), and how to serve the Vaisnavas. This is the basic training.
We aim to increase the depth in understanding and moods through trainings. One day one will become a really qualified devotee, a realized preacher and then carry on the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who came to establish Suddha Bhakti in this world.