Media seva team has worked consistently to collect the vani, video clips and pictures of Swami Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj from many devotees, from internet, from past to present, from China to Guyana South America everywhere he has been. In this media library you can find Hari Katha and kirtans from his preaching in Hindi, English, Bengali, Oriya. Live streamings from Kathamrta108 based on Radhakunda are included. Conversations with visitors and devotees, morning walks are also covered. During the past decennia, Swami ji has recorded 15 musical albums in studio in corporation with good musicians out all over the India. They can be listened freely on Soundcloud named Prema Dhvani, which is essential part of our media library.
We pray that the friends, visitors and followers will find a great pleasure in surfing through the media library we have built up.